Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hot time, summer in the city...

We have had an incredible summer so far!  We have made many trips, had lots of visitors, enjoyed fun summer things in the ATL.  We have celebrated with friends who have gotten engaged, started new life adventures, gotten pregnant, and had babies.  

This past weekend we were able to drive up to Caleb's parents house in East Liverpool, OH for a long weekend.  It was a 14 hour drive there and 14 hour drive back.  I think the kids handled it better than I did.  Every time we make a trip to the midwest and back there is a little part of me that thinks "why do we live so far away?"  I think that part of me thought that 1) this would all just get easier after a few years or 2) we would end up moving back to the midwest to be close to family.  Well, neither of those things have happened and honestly, I don't forsee either of them happening.  We are at peace with our decision to be in Atlanta.  God has given both Caleb and I jobs that we love and a depth with our community that we could have never imagined.  Some days are harder than others but most of the time, I can't imagine being anywhere else.  

Ava continues to make me laugh everyday.  Her most recent hilarious thing is playing bop-it.  Her record now is 26 in a row, which I think is impressive for a 3 year old.  She has also memorized what the bop-it man says and will repeat things like "Is this your first time playing bop-it, you're out."   She also watched Mary Poppins over the weekend and sings the chimney sweep song and A Spoon Full of Sugar repeatedly.  We plan to put her in dance class this fall and I am sure she will love every minute.  Today she asked me "mom, wouldn't it be silly if Cinderella met Mary Poppins?"  Yes, it would. 

We are also looking with much anticipation toward friends moving into Pittsburgh!  Yes, that's right...more people in Pittsburgh!  Our street is incredible and our neighbors are awesome and I look forward to my Coleman St. neighbors being able to all welcome our new friends to the neighborhood.  We have longed for more community in Pittsburgh and the thought of other believers being so close is more exciting than I can express!  Pittsburgh has become even more empty in the 4 years we have been there and it's so neat to see God move in others hearts to want to move in!

Here are some pics of our trip to East Liverpool.  Enjoy.

Jay and Ava shared a little bath time.

The Starr family at the wharf.

Boys hanging out...Jay is so big now!

 Who doesn't love some chili cheese fries from the hot dog shop!

Such a happy guys!  and he loves his sister!

Paddle boat ride.

How funny is it to put a baby in a life vest?!

Hanging out with grandpa!

Time with grandma before we boarded our paddle boats.