Saturday, December 22, 2007

Ava Day 2

Ava LOVES to sleep! She was awake through a lot of the night but it wasn't bad. She likes to be cuddled and held. Caleb can't sleep when she is making noises...even happy noises. It's pretty cute!


Unknown said...

Congratulations Ashlee and Caleb! Ava is absolutely beautiful --such a doll. We are so happy for you guys. This is a wonderful time of year to be home with your new little friend. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
We will stop by to see you soon, sans the germy children.

GiGi said...

HI guys, loved seeing the photos. Ava is adorable, you both look happy and blessed. We'll keep lookin'in on you Love and prayers, GiGi and Aunt Laurel