Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Days....

Today was a good day. After months of confusion over the case with the girls, I feel like we have some clarity. I continue to pray for peace and wisdom but I felt like God was present in our meeting with DFCS today. We will continue to be the "fictive kin placement resources" for the girls because it's the healthiest option for them and us. We know that we are as permanent as we are allowed to be. We know God is in control. We will have our girls as long as we are able and if/when something changes, we trust that God is present. We continue to pray for stability but we know that the state can't mandate stability. Stability for our girls means being there every night when they go to means praying together, reading together, growing together, laughing means kissing scrapes and mending hurts. We are a family for now...and I love my family so much! Tonight I was leaving the house and Makayla looked up at me and said "but mommy, I really REALLY want to go with you so very much." How can you turn that down?!

I wish I could capture all the precious moments that take place in our home every day. Tonight, Caleb started singing a song from the Little Mermaid. I joined in making it a duet and Makayla would chime in with any word that she knew. Pretty soon we look over and Ava is singing at the top of her lungs. We all stood in the kitchen belting out at the top of our lungs "PART OF THAT WORLD..." I want to always remember these moments. Moments where I sit down on the couch rest and instantly have three girls "resting" on top of me. You know...there are good days like today where we sing and dance and laugh...and then there are bad days when we clean up poop off the floor for the 10th time...but I will take the good days and the bad days because that's part of loving each other. But...I will take singing over poop any day.

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